Spatio-temporal databases aim to provide database support for applications which show both spatial and temporal characteristics. It provides extensions to existing models of spatial databases and maps to include temporal aspects, in order to better cater to dynamic environment, like moving objects, traffic flow etc.
Spatio-temporal databases can be defined as a database that embodies spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal database concepts and captures both spatial and temporal aspects of data. In real world applications often time and space exists together, hence dealing with spatial aspect without considering temporal aspect is of limited use.
The areas of application of Spatio-temporal databases are countless - to help your business, for training needs, for systematization and visualization of large amounts of data, for analyzes, for everything that comes to your mind!
We can create your own database, which systemizes information for your employees, suppliers, customers.
We can do spatial analyzes of your activity, employees, suppliers, customers by overlaying and analyzing different variables that directly reflects on your activity like:
Your data and history in dynamics!
To create and improve dynamic maps, we need the skills of programmers, cartographers, historians, painters and other assistants. Their work cannot go unrewarded. We welcome and thank you for all your help.
IBAN: BG05CREX92601058100101
Active historical map foundation
... we are developing:
In order to carry out our activity, we have created the Active Historical Map Foundation.
Its goals are:
Public benefit foundation Active Historical Map, UIC 177087450 registered in accordance with Bulgarian law